Study protocol/Measurements

5. Chevon quality 

Muscle pH will be determined using a pH meter with a combined electrode by insertion into the Longissimus muscle at the 12/13th rib site on the chilled carcass. It will be done 24 hours post mortem and the ultimate pH will be determined. Muscles will be weighed and cooked in a plastic bag immersed in a water bath at 850C for 45 minutes until an internal temperature of 700C is achieved. Samples will be cooled and weighed and the percentage loss in weight recorded to measure cooking loss.

The lean and subcutaneous fat from the half carcass will be minced and sub-sampled. The samples will then be subjected to a gas liquid chromatography technique to determine fatty acid composition. Meat colour will be estimated in the Rectus abdominis muscle 24 hours after slaughter and after 30 minutes of exposure to air using the L*a*b* system by chronometer (Minolta CR 300).

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